Schweißdraht Luisenthal GmbH
Straße des 13. Januar 286
D-66333 Völklingen
Telefon + 49 (0) 68 98 · 879 0
Telefax + 49 (0) 68 98 · 879 211

Spraying wires for arc welding and flame spraying

  1. Unalloyed and medium-alloyed copper-plated solid wires for the deposit welding of medium up to very hard sprayed layers.
    Product group 1.1 bis 1.5

  2. Alloyed copper-plated or bright-drawn solid wires for the deposit welding of hardfacings or armourings.
    Product group 2.1 bis 2.4

  3. High-alloyed bright solid wires for layers with light corrosion- resistance and medium hardness.
    Product group 3.1 bis 3.3

    Product groups according catalogue.